At Heavy Hitters®, we’ve streamlined the franchise application and approval process to make it as efficient and straightforward as possible. From your initial inquiry to your opening day as a Heavy Hitters® franchisee, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Initial Inquiry

Submit your contact information through our website’s inquiry form or reach out to our franchise development team directly. We’ll provide you with an overview of the Heavy Hitters® franchise opportunity and answer any initial questions you may have.

Franchise Information Package

After your initial inquiry, we’ll send you our comprehensive franchise information package, which includes detailed information about our business model, franchise support, investment requirements, and potential earnings.

Discovery Call

We’ll schedule a discovery call with our franchise development team to discuss your background, goals, and territory preferences. This call also provides an opportunity for you to ask any additional questions about the Heavy Hitters® franchise.

Franchise Application

Complete and submit the Heavy Hitters® franchise application, including information about your financial qualifications, legal background, and business experience.

Financial Review

Our team will review your application and financial and legal qualifications to ensure that you meet our minimum requirements for franchise ownership.

Virtual or In-Person Meeting

After your application is approved, we’ll invite you to meet with our executive team, either virtually or in person, to discuss the Heavy Hitters® franchise opportunity in greater detail and answer any remaining questions.

Franchise Agreement

Upon mutual agreement, we’ll provide you with the Heavy Hitters® Franchise Agreement for review. We recommend consulting with a legal professional to ensure you fully understand the terms and conditions of the agreement.

Franchise Agreement Signing

Once you have reviewed and agreed to the terms of the Franchise Agreement, you’ll sign the document and submit the initial franchise fee to officially become a Heavy Hitters® franchisee.

Training and Support

As a new franchisee, you’ll receive comprehensive training on our proven systems, processes, and best practices. We’ll also assist you with site selection, office setup, staff hiring, and provide ongoing support to ensure your success.

Grand Opening

Celebrate the opening of your Heavy Hitters® personal injury practice and embark on your journey as a champion for justice in your community.

Join the Heavy Hitters® family

Joining the Heavy Hitters® family is a rewarding opportunity that can help you reach new levels of success in the personal injury field. Begin the process today by contacting our franchise development team, and let’s build a brighter future together.